Verse 155: Not having led the Holy life, not having obtained wealth in their youth; such as these the unwise, pine away like aged herons in a life in which there are no fish. (Dhammapada)
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Verse 155: Not having led the Holy life, not having obtained wealth in their youth; such as these the unwise, pine away like aged herons in a life in which there are no fish. (Dhammapada)
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Verse 263: In whom such behavior is wholly cut off, uprooted, that wise man who has cast hatred, is indeed, called “ good natured ” (Dhammapada)
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Verse 184: Forbearing patience is the most excellent asceticism; Nirvana is supreme, so say the Buddha’s. He is not a recluse who harms another; nor is he an ascetic who molests others. (Dhammapada)
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Verse 183: Not to do any evil, to cultivate good, to purity one’s mind – this is the Teaching of the Buddhas. (Dammapada)
Verse 167: Do not follow mean friends (Sansualities). Dwell not in negligence. Cherish not face views. Be not merely for the worldly growth. (I.e.subject to repeated birth and deaths.)